2018 Annual Conference Presentations
TSMO Training | December 10, 2018
TSMO 101: What is this TSMO Thing?
Monica Harwood, WSDOT Headquarters Traffic Operations -
Capacity Maturity Model (CMM): Where is your agency with TSMO Integration?
Monica Harwood, WSDOT Headquarters Traffic Operations -
What is Cooperative Automated Transportation and how does it align with TSMO?
Ted Bailey, WSDOT Cooperative Automated Transportation Program Manager -
Communicating TSMO
Matthew Volz, HDR -
Building Collaboration, Building TSMO
Tony Leingang, WSDOT Olympic Region Traffic Operations -
Resources, Training, Support & Wrap Up
Monica Harwood, WSDOT Headquarters Traffic Operations
Technical Sessions | December 11, 2018
Technology and Smart Cities
Back to the Future - Developing a Transportation Technology Roadmap for your Agency
Michael Ippoliti, HDR -
Smart Infrastructure to Power Mobility's Future
Mike Usen, DKS Associates -
5G & Future of Transportation
Greta Knappenberger & Azeema Hasham, Verizon
Big Data Applications in ITS
Design with Data: Modern Applications of Multi-criteria Analysis in Transportation
Corwin Bell, Fehr & Peers -
Big Data in ITS: Leveraging Intelligent Transportation Systems for Smarter Community Planning
Mark Masongsong, UrbanLogiq -
Data-Driven Modeling, Planning, and More: Drilling Down on Big Data Application
Teresa Tapia, Streetlight Data -
Key Arterial Measurement Project
Zhiyong Cui, UW STAR Labs
ITS Safety & Environmental Applications
Safety & ITS: A Perfect Partnership
Brian Chandler, DKS Partnership -
The Use of ITS Technologies in Collision Response
Raid Tirhi, City of Bellevue -
Using Connected Vehicle Data to Estimate Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Eimar Boesjes, Moonshadow Mobile, Inc. -
Calculating SPaT (Signal Phase and Timing) Messages for Use in Eco-Driving
Katherine Mertz, Sensys Networks, Inc.
Planning for ITS, ITS for Planning
A Modern Approach to Monitoring Transportation Network Performance in Seattle
Scott Lee, IDAX & Adiam Emery, City of Seattle -
Northwest Seaport Alliance's Port Community System: A TSMO Approach for Ports
Christine Wolf, Northwest Seaport Alliance -
Counter Intuitive Stories from Streetlight Data
Chris Grgich, Fehr & Peers -
Urban Infrastructure - Communication Backbones for Smart Cities
Dominic Iadonisi, Etherwan
Keynote Speaker: Roger Millar, Transportation Secretary, WSDOT
ITS America
Roger Millar, Transportation Secretary, WSDOT -
Stewardship of Washington's Transportation System - WSDOT Moving to the Next Level
Roger Millar, Transportation Secretary, WSDOT
Innovative Transit Solutions
Proactive Service Changes for King County Metro Transit in the South Lake Union / Denny Triangle Area
Nathan Chan, Fehr & Peers -
Using Big Data to Forecast First / Last Mile Transit Ridership
Briana Calhoun, Fehr & Peers -
Conditional Transit Priority - A Smart City Application in Walnut Creek
Josh Peterman, Fehr & Peers -
NextGen TSP: Future of Transit Data and Connectivity
Karl Typolt, Transpo Group
Transportation System Management and Operations
TSMO Education in the Heartland
Matthew Volz, HDR -
Travel Time and Origin Destination Studies based on Vehicle Probe Data
Paul Sharman, Transpo Group -
FLIR's Acyclcia Platform - Integrating Multi-Vendor Data for Traffic Analytics
Tim Streck, FLIR & David Shahon, CT Northwest -
Measuring and Managing Congestion at Corridors Impacted by Railway Crossings
Jason Cambridge, Seattle DOT & Neil Ternowetsky, TRAINFO
Advanced Signal Operations
Washington State DOT Participation in the AASHTO's SPaT Challenge, A Regional Partnership
Ali Eghtedari, WSDOT -
ITS for Seattle DOT - Adapting and Looking to the Future
Dusty Rasmussen, Seattle DOT -
ASCT vs ATSPM (Adapting Signal Control Technoloty vs. Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures)
Justin Chan, Transpo Group
Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
Latest on Legislation, Regulation, Guidance and More for Connected Automated Vehicles
Koorosh Olyai, Stantec Consulting, Inc. -
Wyoming Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment Project
Rhonda Young, Gonzaga University